Friday, March 25, 2011

with great intentions

With the spurt of great weather last week, I decided I was going to start to get super active.  Activity and going to the gym has really been at the forefront on this lifestyle journey.  It's not because I don't like to be active or exercise, it’s actually quite the opposite.  All of my life I have taken dance lessons and still to this day love it.  When I got into high school I began going to the gym regularly to strengthen my muscles as to help my dancing ability.  But alas in my old age I have become what they call a "couch potato.” 
To enhance my willingness to take part in activity I went to Walmart and bought out pretty much everything they had.  I bought a basketball (there is a basketball court across from my house), a few fitness DVDs (one that is a country line dancing fitness DVD, pretty stoked about that one), a couple hand weights (no more than 3lbs. though) and also weights for ankles (was thinking about wearing them whenever I wore long pants).  With full intention of using these great pieces of fitness magic, but they still haven’t left the bag and I bought these items over a week ago. 
I have kept up with my walking.  I promised myself I would walk for a minimum of one mile per day and so far I have been pretty on track.  I even walked 2.6 miles the other day, mostly because I made plans with two separate people. 
Hopefully today (since it’s beginning to look like another beauty) I can actually put to use some of my fitness investment!

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